
Friday, 24 March 2017

Friday, 17 March 2017

Amazing Poly fest

Yesterday we went to the Poly fest it was amazing that we visited
The Maori stag. It was so good that they sing hard out that we
can all ear what they. Are sak Then we went to the shop and buy some food and it was good!!!Then We went to the New Zealand Army and they lock the gun up and
We can play on  it because it have no built.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Siokita Visual mihi

Today I made a mihi about me and my culture. I like my mihi because it tells people about me and what I like

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


36 -  six - ones
63 -  six tens
629 -    nine- ones
904  nine hundred

12  -  ones ten
907 -      seven
1990   -  one ten
3842 -  three ten

Write these words in numbers.
  1. Three hundred and two 302

  1. Eight hundred and sixty three 863

  1. One thousand 1000

  1. Seventy seven 77

  1. One thousand two hundred and one 1201

  1. Two thousand four hundred and fifty seven 2457 SECTION 3

    Add ten to these numbers:
    1. 345 + 10 = 355
    2. 283 + 10=  293
    3. 23  + 10= 33
    4. 9 +10= 19
    5. 672 + 10= 682

    Add one hundred to each of these numbers:

    1. 243 + 100 = 343  
    2. 74   +  100 = 174
    3. 188 + 100 = 288
    4. 765 + 100 = 865
    5. 12   + 100 =  112